OnPath Testing Blog


Hot Topics in QA Testing for 2024

We still have three more quarters to go in 2024 — explore the latest hot topics in QA testing in Q2.

The Synergy of DevOps and Quality Assurance: A Blueprint for Successful Software Delivery

Explore the synergy between DevOps and Quality Assurance in SDLCs and discover how collaboration accelerates...

Force vs. Flow in SDLCs

Take a stalled SDLC out of "brute force" mode into flow for a near flawless end product.

Image shows people sitting around a conference table with laptops in front of them and a man standing at the head of the room in front of a screen

How to decide which QA metrics are important for your stakeholders

QA metrics - there are so many things you could be reporting to clients, from test results to progress updates. How do...

Developer looking a computer screen using QA to reduce software risk

Use Quality Assurance to Mitigate Your Software’s Risk Exposure

Use Quality Assurance to Mitigate Your Software’s Risk Exposure

Whiteboard with agile development post it story notes

Waterfall vs. Agile – Which Approach is Best for Your Company

Waterfall vs. Agile – Which Approach is Best for Your Company

Woman with computer. Testing myths and facts about quality assurance.

8 testing myths and the facts about quality assurance

8 testing myths and the facts about quality assurance

Skills you need to be a software tester

Skills You Need to be a Software Tester

Skills You Need to be a Software Tester

Creating the components of a master test plan at laptop

QA 101: The Essential Components of a Master Test Plan

QA 101: The Essential Components of a Master Test Plan

Continuous Delivery Best Practices... An Overview

Continuous Delivery Best Practices... An Overview

Continuous Delivery Best Practices... An Overview

Image shows a woman sitting at a laptop with lines of code attached and her phone on the laptop

Which automated testing tool to pick - Testcafe or Selenium WebDriver?

Which automated testing tool to pick - Testcafe or Selenium WebDriver?

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Regression testing is run to check if the existing features in the build still work well after recent bug fixes or the...