OnPath Testing Blog


Jira vs Trello - laptop screen displaying kanban boards

Should you use Jira vs Trello to project manage your team?

Jira vs Trello, which project management tool should you use? We're getting into the nitty gritty over on the OnPath...

Image shows post-its on a blue background

How to use project management tools to get the right metrics to the right people

Project metrics aren't one-size-fits-all, and information overload is no joke. Here's how to get the right information...

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Regression testing is run to check if the existing features in the build still work well after recent bug fixes or the...

Geckoboard - Reporting business metrics made easy

Geckoboard - Reporting business metrics made easy

Better issue reporting with JIRA formatting features  

Better issue reporting with JIRA formatting features  

For the project managers, developers and QA engineers working on an application, clear communication is the key to Jira...

Configuring JIRA for mobile software quality assurance

Configuring JIRA for mobile software quality assurance

Making JQL work for you

Making JQL work for you

The Relationship of Status Fields with Resolution and Environment Fields

The Relationship of Status Fields with Resolution and Environment Fields

Test Management in JIRA using Zephyr

Test Management in Jira using Zephyr

Learn about the pros and cons of Zephyr for JIRA with our guide, which includes some bonus advice on configuring mobile...

Should all testing be automated?

Should all testing be automated?

Should all testing be automated?