OnPath Testing Blog

Bug hunt

OnPath Testing - A traffic sign under water

4 disastrous times businesses could have used a QA tester

QA testers work behind-the-scenes - the unsung superheroes of the development world. Check these examples of what...

Woman with computer. Testing myths and facts about quality assurance.

8 testing myths and the facts about quality assurance

8 testing myths and the facts about quality assurance

Image shows a woman sitting at a laptop with lines of code attached and her phone on the laptop

Which automated testing tool to pick - Testcafe or Selenium WebDriver?

Which automated testing tool to pick - Testcafe or Selenium WebDriver?

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Manage regression testing with spreadsheets

Regression testing is run to check if the existing features in the build still work well after recent bug fixes or the...

The convergence of artificial intelligence and the internet of things

Testing artificial intelligence (AI) and the future of IoT

Testing artificial intelligence (AI) and the future of IoT

Better issue reporting with JIRA formatting features  

Better issue reporting with JIRA formatting features  

For the project managers, developers and QA engineers working on an application, clear communication is the key to Jira...

Image shows daily planner book open with a couple of entries filled

Previous bugs mean future bugs?

Previous bugs mean future bugs?

Abstract illustration showing phone screens and different app icons

Bughunt: IE session killed unexpectedly

Bughunt: IE session killed unexpectedly

Mentoring Notes - Test Execution and Field Validation

Mentoring Notes - Test Execution and Field Validation

Mentoring Notes - Test Execution and Field Validation